Recorded 15+15 webinar: Hull Cleaning

Published: 02 November 2022

Viktor Avlonitis, from Hempel Marine Solutions talked about biofouling monitoring, hull inspections and hull cleaning. Good practices on inspections and cleaning interventions have considerable implications for both hull performance and for the environment.

Watch the recording of the BIMCO 15+15 webinar held on 2 November 2022.


With new international standards for biofouling monitoring and in-water hull cleaning (IWC), the topic is increasingly important to ensure compliance with new regulations. But how does the choice of coating system affect in-water cleaning requirements during the 5-year docking period?

This webinar touches upon:

  • How does the choice of hull coating impact biofouling monitoring and mitigation approaches?
  • What are the key choices and decision parameters when evaluating a biofouling control strategy?
  • From an operational perspective what to consider when deciding if and how to conduct IWC during the lifetime of a coating system?
  • What are the risks associated with IWC?

Watch the recording of this webinar which was held on 2 November 2022.

15+15 weekly webinars last 30 minutes and consist of a 15-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A

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